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Want to support Nitrozac's and Snaggy's work on After Y2K and Joy of Tech, and also like to own cool stuff? Great, we have a number of perfect solutions for you!

Join the Fan Club!
Join the Club!
Save $2.00 when you join the Fan Club with this special link!

Tubes Rock t-shirt!
The Tubes Rock t-shirt!
As seen in After Y2K, this time-traveling t-shirt could soon be making an appearance on you! And it's available in two styles: white, and glow in the dark on black! Cool, what a rocking shirt!
Order your Tubes Rock t-shirt now!

First Post!
First Post! The t-shirt inspired by the Troll Mind ...is it evil or exhilarating? Be the first to first post while wearing this First Post t-shirt!
Order your First Post! t-shirt now!
/. Gladiators!
Slashdot Gladiators t-shirt!
Your Slashdot heroes prepare to do heroic battle against an Evil Empire! Reserve yours now!

Prints!We're now offering signed prints of some of the comics at the webstore. These high resolution laser prints are really great, especially the poster sized ones! Sharp, crisp, and the colour is fabulous!

There's also those neat
glow-in-the-dark Alien Logo t-shirts, and the out of this world I Kinda Believe shirt! Both available in a variety of sizes, including XXL and XXXL.

And FYI, all were illustrated by Nitrozac!

Hacker Hat!There's also the very cool and very unique HacKer HaT!

These are the Rolls Royces of Propellor Caps, ...a quality beanie for seriously fashion-conscious geeks!

Hacker Hat!
We now offer the equally neat Alien Propellor Beanie!
click on each shirt for more info and pictures!

Slashdot Gladiators!
Tubes Rock!
I Kinda Believe
First Post
First Post!
Glow-in-the-Dark Alien

Advertise on After Y2K!
We're always looking for sponsors to advertise on After Y2K.
If you have a company, product, or service, why not link up with one of the hottest web-based comics?
Email Nitrozac or Snaggy for details!

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